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Danielle Brinton
Address Delivered before the Wake County Workingmen's Association, February 6, 1860
RALEIGH, N. C., February 7, 1860. FRANK. I. WILSON, ESQ.: Dear Sir:--The undersigned, a portion of the members of the "Wake County Workingmen's Association," beg that you will permit us to publish the Address delivered by you before our Association…
Tags: Racism, sectionalism
Letter of Martha Hendley Poteet to Francis Marion Poteet, June 16, 1864
June the 16 1864Dear husband I cant get no person to cut my wheat the men says that they dont know what will be don with the wheat for there aint men to cut it and if I dont get Mine cut me and the children will be bound to suffer I would like for…
Tags: Civil War, Confederate, Crops, Family, Female Patriotism, Home Front, North Carolina, South, Starvation, War-time, White Women, Women
"Address to the Colored People of North Carolina," December 19, 1870
To the colored people throughout the State:
The undersigned Representatives send greeting:
Know ye that since the time that Haman conspired to destroy all the Jews who dwelt in the Persian…
Tags: Democrat, Governor, North Carolina, Post War, State Politics, Suffrage, W.W. Holden
Graham Jewell
Ryan Eubanks
Letter from S. P. Lee to Gideon Welles, August 26, 1864
Report of Acting Rear-Admiral Lee, U. S. Navy, commanding North Atlantic Blockading Squadron, announcing the escape of the C. S. S. Tallahassee into Wilmington, N. C.
SIR: The Monticello arrived…
Claire Stroup
Tags: #moneyteam, MONEY
"Editorial Notes on the South," May 31, 1867
If an election of any kind were to be held in the South within the next month, there is no reasonable doubt that three-fourths of the negro vote would be cast with the Southern white vote. There is perfect accord between the large portion of the…
Tags: Class Relations, Free Blacks, Race relations, Suffrage
Shanlyn Wagoner
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North Carolinian voters chose John C. Breckinridge in presidential election, November 6, 1860

On November 6, 1860, in the presidential election, North Carolinian voters chose John C. Breckinridge (pictured), the southern Democratic nominee,…