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William D. Cooke, "Cooke's new map of the state of North Carolina," 1857
"Cooke's new map of the state of North Carolina: constructed from actual surveys, private contributions & authentic public documents procured for the purpose under a special resolution of the General Assembly of the state. William D. Cooke, A.M.,…
Tags: Antebellum North Carolina, County, map, Railroad
William Gaston, "Address Delivered Before the Philanthropic & Dialectic Societies at Chapel Hill," June 20, 1832
Gentlemen of the Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies:
When I look around on this extraordinary concourse of visitors, I cannot but feel that expectation has been too highly excited, and cannot but anticipate and regret the disappointment…
Tags: Speech
William Gaston, 1778-1844
William Gaston was born to Dr. Alexander and Margaret Gaston (née Sharpe) in New Bern North Carolina in 1778. His father’s involvement in the Revolutionary War left Margaret a widow when Gaston was three. His mother, an incredibly devout Catholic…
Tags: Slave Law, Slavery/Slaves
William Holland Thomas, 1805-1893
William Holland Thomas was a white southerner who was born in the northwest region of North Carolina. Though Thomas had some relation to the former president Zachery Taylor, he had relatively modest beginnings. Thomas was raised by his widowed mother…
William J. McNeill, "A Survey of Confederate Soldier Morale During Sherman's Campaign through Georgia and the Carolinas" (1971)
The men who composed the small remnants of Rebel commands brought together in an effort to stop Sherman's Savannah and Carolinas campaign realized the futility of their assignment; they knew that without help from other quarters Confederate…
William Sherman, Special Field Orders No. 55, April 14, 1865
[Special Field Orders, No. 55]
The next movement will be on Ashboro', to turn the position of the enemy…
Tags: military strategy, North Carolina
William T. Sherman, Special Field Orders No. 28, March 11, 1865
Special Field Orders No. 28. HDQRS. Mil. Div. of the Mississippi, In the Field, Fayetteville, N.C., March 11, 1865. I. The Right Wing, Maj. Gen. O. O. Howard commanding, will cross Cape Fear River as soon as possible and take roads leading…
William Tecumseh Sherman, 1820-1891
William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891) was a major-general in the Union Army during the Civil War. Sherman gained success in the Western Theater and oversaw the Military Division of the Mississippi after Ulysses S. Grant was promoted to the head of…
William Woods Holden 1818-1892
William Woods Holden, 24 Nov. 1818-2 Nov. 1892
William Woods Holden rose in power as a whig and a republican. He was a practicing lawyer, but also the ironic owner of a Democratic newspaper in North Carolina. He ran for the Governors seat a few…
William Woods Holden Memoir
After nine years of rebellion, and strife, and civil discord, and social disruption and bitterness, a very large majority of the people of North Carolina long for peace, and harmony, and good will, and security of life and property. But this matter…
Tags: W.W. Holden
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ROTC students view Civil War exhibit at NCSU, 1960

In this photograph, two Reserve Officers' Training Corps students view a Civil War exhibit at D. H. Hill Library at North Carolina State College of…