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- Collection: Prewar North Carolina
An Address to the People of North Carolina on the Evils of Slavery by the Friends of Libersty and Equality, 1830
We believe it is generally known that a social institution has, for some years, been progressing, for "the gradual abolition OF NEGRO SLAVERY" among us: yet we are well aware that our precise views in relation to this…
Letter of B. W. Daniel to William Augustus Blount, September 16, 1831.
Gen Wm A Blount Dear Sir I must request the favour of you to turn the arms recieved from Newbern, in your possession over to the company raising in your County (footnote 39) Footnote 39: Nat Turner's insurrection in Southampton County, Virginia,…
Tags: Nat Turner, Prewar North Carolina
"General Assembly Resolutions submitted and referred to committee", January 1861
Jan. 7, 1861. Resolved that the Governor be requested to inform the Senate if any portion of the citizens of North Carolina have consulted with him upon the propriety of taking possession of the United States forts in North Carolina or any one of…
"The Secession Excitement; North Carolina Legislature," New York Times, December 20, 1860
RALEIGH, N.C., Thursday, Dec. 20.
The bill to arm the State passed its third reading in the House yesterday. An effort to take it up to-day failed.
The Assembly takes a recess till the 7th of January.
The Commissioners from Alabama and…
Tags: North Carolina, Secession
"The Disunion Movement; The North Carolina Forts," New York Times, January 29, 1861
On the 17th, Gov. ELLIS, of North Carolina, sent to the Legislature the correspondence between himself and Hon. J. HOLT, then Secretary of War ad interim, relative to the occupation of Forts Johnson and Caswell by State troops. On Jan. 12 Gov. ELLIS…
Letter of Nathan H. Street, Peter G. Evan, John N. Washington to John W. Ellis, January 9, 1859
At a mass meeting of the citizens of Craven County, held at
the Court House in New Berne on Thursday, the 15th ulto, a
committee of five were appointed to "bring to the attention of
your Excellency the condition of the 'Depot of Public Arms*…
Tags: Prewar North Carolina
Tax Records for Caswell County, 1847
"North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company," Raleigh Register, March 21, 1861
This company takes risks upon all healthy lives between the ages of 14 and 60 years--for one year, for seven years, or for life--the assurers for life participating in the profits of the Company. Slaves between the ages of 10 and 60 years, are…
Tags: Economy, Slavery/Slaves
"Civil War Will Be Abolition," North Carolina Standard, February 5, 1861
If the difficulties between the North and South should not be settled during the next six months, war will be the result. There will be three or four Confederacies. It will be impossible for the Northwestern and Gulf States to avoid war,—the…
Tags: Abolition, Civil War, Confederacy, Slavery/Slaves, South, union
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Benjamin Sherwood Hedrick, 1827-1886
Benjamin Hedrick (1827-1886), a chemistry professor at UNC, was dismissed from his job in 1856 after openly claiming that he supported the Republican…