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"A Proclamation by His Excellency, the Governor of North Carolina," October 12, 1868
"The flag of the United States waves for the protection of all. Every star upon it shines down with vital fire into every spot, howsoever remote or solitary, to consume those who may resist the authority of the government, or who oppress the…
"A Word to Disunionists," Salisbury Carolina Watchman, February 26, 1861
"Address to the Colored People of North Carolina," December 19, 1870
To the colored people throughout the State:
…The poor people, especially the colored people are the great body of victims appointed for the slaughter, and we as Representatives, ocupying [sic] the place of power, as did Esther, feel it to be our…
"Address to the Colored People of North Carolina," December 19, 1870
To the colored people throughout the State:
The undersigned Representatives send greeting:
Know ye that since the time that Haman conspired to destroy all the Jews who dwelt in the Persian…
Tags: Democrat, Governor, North Carolina, Post War, State Politics, Suffrage, W.W. Holden
"Alabama and Mississippi Commissioners," December 22, 1860
Alabama and Mississippi Commissioners. On Thursday last Messrs. Garrett and Smith, commissioners from the State of Alabama, with Hon. Jacob Thompson, Commissioner from Mississippi, appeared before the Legislature of this State, and were received in…
"Amendment Good For All Parties," Raleigh News and Observer, February 2, 1900
Amendment Good For All Parties. Twelve Conclusive Reasons Why Democrats, Populists, Republicans and Negroes should Support the Amendment. Below we sum up twelve reasons why the members of every party ought to support the Constitutional…
Tags: Race relations, State Politics, Suffrage
"An Act to Divide North Carolina into Eight Congressional Districts," Raleigh, North Carolina General Assembly (1871)
CHAPTER CLXXI. AN ACT TO DIVIDE NORTH CAROLINA INTO EIGHT CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That for the purpose of selecting representatives in the congress of the United States, the state of North…
Tags: State Government
"An Address to the People of North Carolina, on the Evils of Slavery. By the Friends of Liberty and Equality: Manumission Society of North Carolina," Greensborough Patriot, March, 1830
"An Arrest by the Rebels-The Contraband Troops-Re-enlistment of Veterans- items from the North Carolina Press," New York Times, January 13, 1864
From North Carolina.
An Arrest by the Rebels-The Contraband Troops- Re-enlistment of Veterans- items from the North Carolina Press.
Newbern, NC. Jan 7
The Second regiment of North Carolina Union volunteers is rapidly organizing. Its…
Tags: occupation
"Another Change in Color," August 3, 1864
Another Change of Color. Holden first printed his tickets on white paper, as an emblem of peace—then he printed a lot on buff paper, by way of an attempt to counterfeit the color of the Vance tickets: -- but finding that the counterfeit could…
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Daniel Lindsay Russell, Jr., 1845-1908

Daniel Russell, a former Confederate soldier, became disillusioned by Southern leadership during the Civil War and joined the Republican Party in…