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- Tags: Freedpeople
Effects of the Proclamation, Freed Negroes Coming Into Our Lines at New Bern, North Carolina, February 21, 1863
Tags: Freedpeople, slavery, Slaves, Soldiers
General Ambrose E. Burnside to the Secretary of War, March 21, 1862
Newbern {N.C.} Mch 21 /62 I have the honor of reporting the following movements in my department since my hurrid report of the 16” inst- The detailed report of the Engagement on the 14” is not yet finished, but I hope will be ready to…
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
"The Reconstruction Prospect," November 12, 1867
We have favored the holding of a Convention asauthorized by Congress, and of doing all that couldfairly and honorably be done to effect reconstructionand restore the State to civil government, but we canplainly see that almost a death-blow has been…
North Carolina Slaveholder to the Commander of the Department of North Carolina, October 8, 1862
Beaufort NC Oct 8th /62
Prompted by the necessity of the case, I have to make on you a requisition quite unpleasant- For the last two months I have supported my Family by the hire of two carpenters. They a few days ago refused to be hired & have…
Tags: Freedpeople, slavery, Slaves, Soldiers
“Two Years with a Colored Regiment: A Woman’s Experience," 1898
Reminiscences of our civil war have been given to the public image again and again, and our most able men have recited the details of the great battles and stirring events. But there are few records of the experiences of women in that war. This…
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
"Report of the Services Rendered by the Freed People to the United States Army in North Carolina," 1864
"I commenced my work with the freed people of color, in North Carolina, at Roanoke Island, soon after the battle of the 8th of February, 1862, which resulted so gloriously for our country.
A party of fifteen or twenty of these loyal blacks, men,…
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
Excerpt from the Memoirs of W.W. Holden, June 12, 1865
And in my first proclamation to the people of the State I used the following language in regard to the colored people: -
To the colored people of the State I would say, you are now free. Providence has willed that the very means adopted to render…
Tags: Freedpeople, North Carolina, W.W. Holden
Letter from George E. Stephens to the New York Weekly Anglo-African, March 6, 1864
Outpost or Camp, in the Field,
Near Jacksonville, Fla.,
March 6, 1864.
Mr. Editor: Actions and arduous duties since the 5th ult., the time of the sailing of the present expedition from Hilton Head, have caused the apparently studied silence on…
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
Discharged North Carolina Black Soldier to the Freedmen's Bureau Claim Agent at Baltimore, Maryland, December 1870
East Newmarket Dorchester Co Md {December 1870}
Dear Sir
I Receved yore kind letter Concerning my Discharge in 1861 the manspation had not taken place but I was in the protection By the youion Troops an Sat free by Presadence Lincon at…
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
Letter from W. W. Holden to S. A. Ashe, November 29, 1881
Raleigh, November 29, 1881.
Capt. S. A. Ashe: - On page 232 of his history Maj. Moore says:
"The persistency of President Davis, at Richmond, in refusing to make overtures to Mr. Lincoln, in order to break the force of the coming overthrow, led…
Tags: Class Relations, Freedpeople
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David Blight, Race and Reunion (2001)

In his award-winning book, Race and Reunion, David Blight, a historian at Yale University, examines how Americans remembered the Civil War from the…