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Summary Report, 1879, Allowed Claim of Allen Ellis


"Claimant was about 53 years old when the war began and was a farmer, carpenter, and preacher near Pittsboro in the central part of North Carolina. His conduct and feelings about and during the rebellion are thus stated my himself in his testimony…

John Tenniel, "The Black Conscription", September 26, 1863


- Bress my heart how am you Jim?
- Dat you Jumbo? yeah, yeah!

- "When black meets black then comes the end(?) of War."


Michael Moore, Exhibit panel in "From Real to Reel: The Making of Gone with the Wind," 2013


Racial Response In the early years of cinema, films were not only forms of entertainment, but they also served as a lens for how people perceived each other. In the 1930s African Americans were fighting for racial progress, and groups like the…

Robert A. Wiesner, Reconstruction of the Endor Ironworks, c. 1864

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This diagram taken fromThe Men of Endor: Their Works and Times, 1861-1876 by Robert A. Wiesner, shows what he believes the Endor ironworks looked like while in operation. The furnace, foundations of some of the buildings, and the stone wall still…


“One Vote Less.”

This drawing demonstrates the political agenda of the Ku Klux Klan. Cartoon by Thomas Nast in Harper’s Weekly, August 8, 1868, page 512.

Letter from Major Smith Stansbury to Major Caleb Huse, July 20, 1863

Major Caleb Huse.

Major: I have the honor to enclose herewith copy of letter of instruction from Colonel J. Gorgas, Chief of Ordnance, dated May 19th, 1863. Also copy of letter from Lieut. Colonel I. M. St. John, Chief of the Niter and Mining…

Summary Report, 1874, Disallowed Claim of Austin and William Bryan

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"The claimants were slaves of one Elias Bryan- They now live on his land-

1. Items 1. We can not allow for tobacco.
2. It is rather remarkable that the slaves should have $50 in gold & silver- a gold watch and five broadcloth wearing apparel. It…

"It is needless to remind our readers...," Fayetteville Observer, April, 18, 1861

The Fayetteville Observer, a Unionist newspaper, ran an editorial outlining their past advocacy for the cause of the Union and regretted that the nation's had not been solved peacefully, as the paper thought was possible. The editors detailed how…


Letter of Nathan H. Street, Peter G. Evan, John N. Washington to John W. Ellis, January 9, 1859


At a mass meeting of the citizens of Craven County, held at
the Court House in New Berne on Thursday, the 15th ulto, a
committee of five were appointed to "bring to the attention of
your Excellency the condition of the 'Depot of Public Arms*…