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Census Record of Thomas Day, 1850

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This document presents the census record for Thomas Day, a free black man, taken during 1850 in Caswell County. The census listed not only how many free people lived within a certain area, but it also showed how many slaves each person owned. Thomas…

Cemetery Field Salisbury

The size of the National Cemetery at Salisbury is impressive. The space has recently been expanded to allow four hundred more graves for veterans. This image shows the many people who had been buried at Salisbury since the Spanish American War and…

Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston, 1823-1875


Catherine Ann Devereux was one of six children born in 1823 to Thomas Pollock Devereux and Catherine Ann Bayard Johnson. She was raised in a wealthy plantation owning family where she received a private education from her father. Once married to…

Carrie Bell Sinclair, "The Homespun Dress," 1862

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The Homespun Dress
Oh! yes, I am a Southern girl, and glory in the name,
And boast it with far greater pride than glittering wealth or fame.
We envy not the Northern girl, her robes of beauties rare,
Though diamonds grace her snowy neck, and…

Capture of U.S. transport Fanny, January 10, 1861

Capture of U.S. transport Fanny.

Capture of Forts Hatteras and Clark, Hatteras Inlet, August 28, 1861

August 28-29 - Capture of Forts Hatteras and Clark, Hatteras Inlet

Captain William J. Twining's Map of Fort Anderson

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Map of Fort Andrson, N.C. Captured February 19, 1865 by the Army of the Ohio. Maj. Gen J. M. Schofield, Comd'g.

Captain Mike Usina's recollections of bringing in the Atalanta

We approached the entrance to Wilmington Harbor on a beautiful moonlight night in July, only one day before the full moon. Before approaching the blockaders the officers and men were notified that the attempt was about to be made, with the chances…

Capt. Nathan Ramsey, Map of Chatham County, North Carolina (1870)


Map of Chatham County, N.C.
Capt. N.A. Ramsey

Calvin Hoggard's letter to the Southern Claims Commission

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The last page of Calvin Hoggard's claim, this page contains a letter by Mr. Hoggard to the Commission explaining his circumstances. Most interestingly, he claims to have been a Union soldier in the 2nd Regiment, even though claim was disallowed. This…