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"The Freedmen's Schools," Harper's Weekly, October 3, 1868


THE FREEDMEN'S SCHOOLS. When the North gave freedom to the slaves of the South it saw the necessity of giving them also the education which was necessary to their proper appreciation and employment of their liberty. The people of the North saw, too,…

James' Plantation Freedmen's School, ca. October 1868

Southern states, including North Carolina, had prohibited teaching slaves to read and write prior to the Civil War. With emancipation, former slaves clamored for schools. With the assistance of the Freedmen's Bureau and northern organizations, like…

Diary of Elizabeth Collier, April 25, 1865


April 25, 1865 Gen Johnston has surrendered his army! We have no army now-We have been overpowered-outnumbered, but thank God we have not been whipped—Did I ever think to live to see this day! After all the misery & anguish of the four…

Letter from Janie Smith to Janie Robeson, April 12, 1865

Farquhard Smith House used as hospital.jpg

Where Home used to be,
Apr. 12th 1865

Your precious letter, My dear Janie, was received night before last, and the pleasure it afforded me, and indeed the whole family, I leave for you to imagine, for it baffles words to express my thankfulness…

Diary of Catherine D. Edmondston, March 21, 1865


Brother writes from Raleigh that Sherman effected a junction with Schofield at Elizabethtown in Bladen county, that on Friday there was a sharp fight a Black River (which divides Sampson from Cumberland) without decisive result. He is most despondent…

"Negro Soldiers Liberating Slaves," Harper's Weekly, January 23, 1864


NEGRO SOLDIERS LIBERATING SLAVES. General Wild’s late raid into the interior of North Carolina abounded in incidents of peculiar interest, from which we have selected a single one as the subject of the illustration on page 52, representing…

Letter from Edward Jones Hale Jr. to James Lane, July 31, 1865

EJ Hale.jpg

Fayetteville, N.C., July 31st, 1865.

My Dear General:

It would be impossible to give you an adequate idea of the destruction of property in this good old town. It may not be an average instance; but it is one the force of whose truth we feel…

"Trent River Settlement," June 9, 1866


GENERAL STEEDMAN’S TOUR. Our artist, Mr. Davis, gives the following description of illustrations on page 361: “The Inspection Tour of Generals Steedman and Fullerton has certainly had one good result, the removal from authority of a…

Diary of A Woman of Fayetteville, March 22, 1865

March 11, 1865 Union Soldiers fighting at Fayetteville NC.jpg

Fayetteville, N.C., March 22, 1865

Sherman has gone and terrible has been the storm that has swept over us with his coming and going. They deliberately shot two of our citizens-murdered them in cold blood-one of them a Mr. Murphy, a wounded…

"Registration Scenes," September 28, 1867


REGISTRATION SCENES. We give on this page one of the scenes lately made familiar in the South—a registration, not an election, scene. The late slaves of the South have exhibited unusual interest in the work of registration, their first…