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Diary of Mary Ann Jones, January 7, 11, 1865
January 7, 1865 . . . . To obtain a mouthful of food we have been obliged to cook in what was formerly our drawing room, and I have to rise every morning by candle light before the dawn of day, that we may have it before the enemy arrives to take it…
Diary of Anna Maria Green, November 25, 1864
. . . . This morning the last of the vandals left our city and burned the bridge after them - and leaving suffering and desolation behind them, and embittering every heart. The worst of their acts was committed to poor Mrs. Nichols. Violence done,…
William T. Sherman, Special Field Orders No. 120, November 9, 1864
Headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi,
In the Field, Kingston, Georgia, November 9, 1864
... IV. The army will forage liberally on the country during the march. To this end, each brigade commander will organize a good and…
Tags: military strategy
Letter of William T. Sherman to Henry Halleck, December 24, 1864
Headquarters military Division of the Mississippi, In the Field, Savannah, Ga., December 24, 1864 Maj. Gen. H.W. Halleck, Chief of Staff, Washington City, D.C.: General: I had the pleasure to receive your two letters of the 16th and 18th…
Tags: Home Front, military strategy
Telegram of William T. Sherman to Ulysses S. Grant, October 9, 1864
Allatoona 7:30 p.m. Oct. 9th 1864 Lt. Gen. Grant City Point It will be a physical impossibility to protect this road now that Hood, Forrest, Wheeler and the whole batch of Devils are turned loose without home or habitation. I think Hoods…
Tags: military strategy
Letter of William J. Hardee to William T. Sherman, December 17, 1864
Headquarters Department South Carolina Georgia, and Florida, Savannah, Georgia, December 17, 1864. Major-General W.T. Sherman, commanding Federal Forces near Savannah, Georgia. General: I have to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from you…
Letter from William T. Sherman to General Henry Halleck, September 4, 1864
H'd Qrts. Mil. D. of the Miss.
In the Field near Lovejoys Ga.
Sept. 4th 64.
General Halleck
The 20th Corps now occupies Atlanta & the Chattahoochee bridges. The main Army is now here, grouped below Jonesboro. The…
Diary of G.S. Bradley, November 19, 1864
November 19. Broke camp about daylight, and after marching a short distance, were ordered to halt and tear up and burn the railroad track. The entire forenoon was spent in this manner, the track being torn up as far as Madison. It was quite…
Patrick Sowle, "The North Carolina Manumission Society, 1816-1834" (1965)
Jeffrey Brooke Allen, "The Racial Thought of White North Carolina Opponents of Slavery, 1789-1876" (1982)
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David Blight, Race and Reunion (2001)

In his award-winning book, Race and Reunion, David Blight, a historian at Yale University, examines how Americans remembered the Civil War from the…