Browse Items (916 total)
"Presidential Election," Carolina Watchman, November 13, 1860
Tags: pre-war, secession crisis
"Peace of Radical Reconstruction," March 14, 1867
The New York Times draws the following truthful sketch of the peace brought by such reconstruction as it yet aids to thrust upon the south:
“Tennessee -- If any ex-Confederate State is to be subjected to military law it certainly ought to be…
Tags: 1867, Military, reconstruction, Tennessee
"Our Duty in Reorganization," June 24, 1865
“Peace,†said Edmund Burke, “may be made as unadvisedly as war. Nothing is so rash as fear, and the counsels of pusillanimity very rarely put off, while they are always sure to aggravate, the evils from which they would fly.†What this…
"Northern Politics," October 15, 1862
"North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company," Raleigh Register, March 21, 1861
This company takes risks upon all healthy lives between the ages of 14 and 60 years--for one year, for seven years, or for life--the assurers for life participating in the profits of the Company. Slaves between the ages of 10 and 60 years, are…
Tags: Economy, Slavery/Slaves
"No Pardon or Commutation of Sentence for Old Brown," Raleigh Register, November 9, 1859
While we are not at all surprised at it, we are nevertheless very glad to see the decided manner in which the Richmond Enquirer rebukes the efforts which the Northern sympathizers with murder, treason and every other dreadful crime, are now making to…
"Nineteen Negroes Shot to Death," New York Times, November 11, 1898
Nineteen Negroes Shot to Death Wilmington Fatal Race Riots in north Carolina. Vengeance of White Citizens Negro Publisher's Plant Destroyed by Indignant Men. New City Government Formed by the People of Wilmington, and Steps Taken to Restore…
Tags: Race relations, Racism
"New perspectives mark Civil War anniversary," Raleigh News & Observer, January 3, 2012
New perspectives mark Civil War anniversary BY JAY PRICE RALEIGH -- North Carolina has begun the sesquicentennial of perhaps its most important year in the Civil War, when Union troops staged amphibious attacks and seized crucial swaths of coastal…
Tags: Commemoration, Slavery/Slaves
"Negroes Trying to Register Illegally," Raleigh News and Observer, July 13, 1900
The farce of a trial of a white registrar in Winston, inaugurated by Federal office-holders is an attempt to bulldoze with Republican methods in the South. They always rush to the Federal courts for assistance in their local affairs. The trial in…
Tags: Race relations, State Politics, Suffrage
Featured Item
Hinton Rowan Helper, 1829-1909

Hinton Rowan Helper (1829-1909), a bitter and staunch racist, was the author of one of the greatest and most influential books on antislavery of his…