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"Glorious News!--The Union Saved!!" Fayetteville Observer, February 28, 1861
Tags: pre-war, secession crisis
"General Sherman in Raleigh," Mary Clarke, ca. 1866
By three o’clock in the morning we had bid adieu to every Confederate soldier, and instead of going to be, we retired to dress for the “sacking of the town.” “I mean to put on every white skirt I have,” exclaimed one…
"General Assembly Resolutions submitted and referred to committee", January 1861
Jan. 7, 1861. Resolved that the Governor be requested to inform the Senate if any portion of the citizens of North Carolina have consulted with him upon the propriety of taking possession of the United States forts in North Carolina or any one of…
"FROM FAYETTEVILLE," Wadesboro North Carolina Argus, March 30, 1865
From the Raleigh Conservative. FROM FAYETTEVILLE We have at length definite and reliable information that the Yankees have evacuated Fayetteville. “There are none of them left on the west side of the Cape Fear,” says a recent letter we…
"Fremont in the South," North Carolina Standard, September 13, 1856
Can it be possible that there are men in the South who prefer Fremont for the Presidency, or who would acquiesce in his election? The New York Herald boasts that there are already Electoral tickets in Virginia, Kentucky, and Maryland; and it adds,…
"FAMINE AT FAYETTEVILLE," Hillsborough Recorder, March 22, 1865
For the Hillsborough Recorder. FAMINE AT FAYETTEVILLE. We give an extract from a letter written by a well-known gentleman in Fayetteville to his father in Chapel Hill, of the date of the 14th instant: “We are in great distress. The Yankees…
"Executions for Desertion," September 3, 1862
"Execution of John Brown," Raleigh Register, December 3, 1859
The chances are ninty-nine in a hundred, that before this paper reaches our subscribers John Brown will have paid the penalty of his crimes on the gallows, and gone to render an account of his life to that Being who says "thou shalt do no…
"Excitement in the Adjoining Counties" from The Daily Herald [Wilmington newspaper], Oct. 10, 1860
The sketch on page 164 represents a party of the
Union officers who lately escaped from Libey prison,
under the guidance and protection of negroes living
in the environs of Richmond. They are conducted
by one of these poor slaves to his cabin…
Tags: Battle Description, Enlistment, Freedpeople, Prisons, slavery, Slaves, soldier
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"Grand Democratic Rally," Raleigh News and Observer, May 13, 1898

On May 12, 1898, the Democratic Party of North Carolina held its first campaign rally in Laurinburg N.C. Following the procession of a band and…