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"More About the Butcheries." Richmond Planet, November 26, 1898

Nov. 26th Front Pg..jpg



Scandalous Behaviour of the U. S. Naval Reserves.

Officers of the Law Exiled.---The Treasonable
Revolutionists in Possession of the City.


"Mr. Lincoln’s Inaugural," North Carolina Standard, March 9, 1861

Our readers will find this document in our paper of to-day. On all sides we hear the question, what do you think of the Inaugural? We have read it with the utmost attention—we have formed an opinion upon it, and we intend to express that…

"National Politics," December 31, 1866


In a somewhat similar view of the case the New HavenJournal and Courier looks upon the bill as "an immediate result of the refusal of the Southern States to accept the proposed Constitutional Amendment." For, while Congress was willing last Summer to…

"Negro Rule," Raleigh News and Observer, July 4, 1900

Negro Rule 1900.jpg
Political Cartoonist Norman Jennett drafted this particulary vicious image in June of 1900. An African-American vampire is shown terrorizing the white citizens (including several vulnerable white women) before him. The message on his wings…

"Negro Soldiers Liberating Slaves," Harper's Weekly, January 23, 1864


NEGRO SOLDIERS LIBERATING SLAVES. General Wild’s late raid into the interior of North Carolina abounded in incidents of peculiar interest, from which we have selected a single one as the subject of the illustration on page 52, representing…

"Negro Troops in the Civil War", 1887

Colored Troops in the Civil War.jpg

At a moment when the bitterness of race prejudice is
shown in the recent school controversies in Kansas, Indi-
ana, and Ohio, reminding us of the old Free States that we
cannot consistently reproach our brethren of the old Slave
States with…

"Negroes Trying to Register Illegally," Raleigh News and Observer, July 13, 1900

Negroes Trying to Register Illegally.jpg

The farce of a trial of a white registrar in Winston, inaugurated by Federal office-holders is an attempt to bulldoze with Republican methods in the South. They always rush to the Federal courts for assistance in their local affairs. The trial in…

"New perspectives mark Civil War anniversary," Raleigh News & Observer, January 3, 2012


New perspectives mark Civil War anniversary BY JAY PRICE RALEIGH -- North Carolina has begun the sesquicentennial of perhaps its most important year in the Civil War, when Union troops staged amphibious attacks and seized crucial swaths of coastal…

"Nineteen Negroes Shot to Death," New York Times, November 11, 1898

Nineteen Negroes Shot to Death Wilmington Fatal Race Riots in north Carolina. Vengeance of White Citizens Negro Publisher's Plant Destroyed by Indignant Men. New City Government Formed by the People of Wilmington, and Steps Taken to Restore…

"No Pardon or Commutation of Sentence for Old Brown," Raleigh Register, November 9, 1859

While we are not at all surprised at it, we are nevertheless very glad to see the decided manner in which the Richmond Enquirer rebukes the efforts which the Northern sympathizers with murder, treason and every other dreadful crime, are now making to…