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"Enlistment of Negroes", August 21, 1862
Enlistment of Negroes It is remarkable how much fuss resolute zealots can make over a very small matter. Two or three of our smaller States, to judge from the noise made in them, are quite convulsed on the subject of enlisting blacks as soldiers to…
Tags: Enlistment, Slavery/Slaves
Civil War Service Record of Edward Bell, 1863
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
Civil War Service Record of Elias Moore, 1863
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
Civil War Service Record of Adams Davis, 1863
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
Civil War Service Record of Julian Williams, 1863
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, soldier
Argument in the impeachment trial of W.W. Holden, governor of North Carolina, February 23, 1871
Returning to the evidence we propose to offer, it will, we believe, satisfy the minds of the court, that there existed secret associations in the counties of Alamance and Caswell, having a common purpose and design to subvert the laws by threats,…
Tags: Government, North Carolina, W.W. Holden
Message from Governor Holden to the General Assembly, December 16, 1869
December 16, 1869.
To the Honorable, the General Assembly of North Carolina.
Gentlemen: - Allow me respectfully and earnestly to call your attention to the necessity which exists for such amendments to the…
Zebulon Baird Vance to Edward Stanly, October 29, 1862
To Edward Stanly STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Raleigh- Oct. 29th, 1862 Your communication of the 21st. inst. has been recd, to which I proceed to reply- It is "incompatible with my views of duty" to grant you a personal…
Zebulon Baird Vance to Jefferson Davis, July 06, 1863
State of North Carolina
Executive Department
Raleigh July 6th. 1863.
His Excellency
President Davis
Dear Sir
A great deal of harm has been done and much dissatisfaction excited by the appointment of citizens of other states to offices…
Zebulon Baird Vance to Edward J. Hale, August 11, 1863.
ZBV to Edward J. Hale State of North-Carolina Executive Department, Raleigh, Augst. 11, 1863 E J Hale Esq My dear Sir, I returned from Richmond on Saturday--was much gratified with my visit indeed--I plainly told the President of the cause of…
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Josephus Daniels, 1862-1948

Josephus Daniels (1862-1848) was the influential editor of the Raleigh News and Observer during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He…