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Diary of George Nichols, January 30, 1865

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January 30th-The actual invasion of South Carolina has begun. The 17th Corps and that portion of the 15th which came around by way of Thunderbolt Beaufort moved out this morning, on parallel roads, in the direction of McPhersonville. The 17th Corps…

Diary of George Nichols, March 12, 1865


Fayetteville, March 12th.— This morning, the two flanking corps of the grand army, who had not seen each other for six weeks, met in the streets of Fayetteville. They met as soldiers love best to meet brave comrades, on a battle-field; for the…

Diary of George Nichols, March 8, 1865

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The line which divides South from North Carolina was passed by the army this morning. It was not in our imagination alone that we could at once see the difference between the two states. The soil is not superior to that near Cheraw, but the farmers…

Diary of George Nichols, March 12, 1865


If it be asked what a bummer is, the reply is easy. He is a raider on his own account-a man who temporarily deserts his place in the ranks while the army is on the march, and starts upon an independent foraging expedition. Sometimes he is absent for…


Diary of George Nichols, March 14, 1865

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Thus far we have been altogether disappointed in looking for the Union sentiment in North Carolina, about which so much has been said. Our experience is decidedly in favor of its sister state; for we found more persons in Columbia who had proved…

Diary of George Nichols, March 22, 1865

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Goldsboro’, March22d.- The army has entered Goldsboro’. Its march has been delayed seventy hours by Johnston’s operations, but the interruption has not materially interfered with the plans of our General. Yesterday General Terry…

Diary of George Nichols, March 17, 1865

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The early morning found the Rebel intrenchments evacuated, and their former occupants in full flight toward Aversyboro. They escaped in the night, leaving their picket posts to fall into our hands; for a neglect to remember those who are…

Memoirs of George W. Pepper, ca. 1865

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But there is another class of devastations widely different from these, which have been perpetrated to an extent of which the North has little conception. These may be classified, as first, “deliberate and systematic robbery for the sake of…


Katherine Giuffre, "First in Flight: Desertion as Politics in the North Carolina Confederate Army" (1997)


"In place of open mutiny, [powerless groups] prefer desertion...They make use of implicit understandings and informal networks...When such stratagems are abandoned in favor of more quixotic action, it is usually a sign of great desperation." Scott…

Joseph Glatthaar, The March to the Sea and Beyond (1985)


Ever since Sherman and his army embarked upon their march to the coast of Georgia and, later, through the Carolinas, the two campaigns earned the dubious distinction as the most controversial of the Civil War and possibly in American military…