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Photo of Strawberry Fields (1864)

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The 1,600-foot structure across the Holston River at Strawberry Plains, Tennessee, was the scene of frequent skirmishing between the Federals and the Confederacy. For more than a year, Colonel Thomas and his Legion guarded the bridge. It was…

"FAMINE AT FAYETTEVILLE," Hillsborough Recorder, March 22, 1865

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For the Hillsborough Recorder. FAMINE AT FAYETTEVILLE. We give an extract from a letter written by a well-known gentleman in Fayetteville to his father in Chapel Hill, of the date of the 14th instant: “We are in great distress. The Yankees…

Southern Claim of David Norris, July 29, 1876


I heard that a rebel command...took property from [John Horton] on account of his being reported as a union man.

I have heard of [John Horton] doing all he could for the union cause, but nothing against it. I heard when his son James W. Horton…

Selections from the Speeches and Writings of Hon. Thomas L. Clingman, of North Carolina with Additions and Explanatory Notes.


“But this government was created to wage no such war against us. It was made by the states for their protection, and that of their existing institutions. They intended to invest it with no powers to destroy their existing state of society or to…

"FROM FAYETTEVILLE," Wadesboro North Carolina Argus, March 30, 1865

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From the Raleigh Conservative. FROM FAYETTEVILLE We have at length definite and reliable information that the Yankees have evacuated Fayetteville. “There are none of them left on the west side of the Cape Fear,” says a recent letter we…

First Draft of Thomas Ruffin's Decision in  State v. Mann,  1830


State v. Mann This is one of those cases which a Court will always regret being brought into judgement--One in which principles of policy urge the Judge to a decision in discord wiht the feelings of the man. But intil the condition of our population…

"Stealing Reduced to Science," Raleigh Daily Confederate, March 31, 1865

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Stealing Reduced to Science It is said that Sherman’s thieving crowd surpass London pickpockets in their profession. They have thoroughly mastered their trade, that it is a thing next to impossible to conceal articles so that they cannot find…

"Negro Rule," Raleigh News and Observer, July 4, 1900

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Political Cartoonist Norman Jennett drafted this particulary vicious image in June of 1900. An African-American vampire is shown terrorizing the white citizens (including several vulnerable white women) before him. The message on his wings…

Richard B. McCaslin, "The Last Stronghold" (2003)


Recognizing the importance of Wilmington, Union blockaders sought to prevent ships from reaching the port since the summer of 1861, though to no avail. The first Federal ship, the Daylight, arrived in July 1861. This tiny vessel was soon disabled,…

Diary of Alice Campbell, ca. 1865

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Sherman, with his hordes of depraved and lawless men, came upon us like swarms of bees, bringing sorrow and desolation in their pathway. For days, we had been expecting them, and our loved boys in grey had been passing through in squads looking…