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  • Tags: Civil War

Sean Hilliard, "The Confederate Flag," May 7, 2012

I have taken many classes in which the Civil War has either been briefly discussed or central to a class. Inevitably, when discussing the Civil War, the issues of the northern and southern pride make their respective appearances. One of the central…

Rachel Huffman, "Plagued by Misinterpretation," May 10, 2012

The Civil War has been so plagued by misinterpretation that it has made the period an arduous time to study for historians. The first and most obvious way is how the causes of the Civil War have changed depending on the interpreter. For example,…

Charles F. Irons, "Alamance County in the Civil War and Reconstruction," 2006


Many whites, particularly in the Upper South, did not support secession. Here in Alamance County, in fact, most voters did not think that Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860 was sufficient cause to secede from the Union. While statesmen from…

Map of the Carolinas Campaign

This map is of the campaign trails for General Sherman's Carolinas Campaign in 1865. The illustration outlines the routes of both Confederate and Union armies. The image depicts the meeting point for all Union forces in Goldsboro.

Theodore Upson, "The Girl I Left Behind Me" (March 24, 1865)

The people around here are very poor as a general thing but very kind and hospitable. There is none of the treachery we have found in other places. I was talking with an old man today; he has lost six sons in the Army. He says they did not want to go…

J.M. Hollowell, "Coming of the Yankees" (1939)

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Since I stopped writing of my early recollections of Goldsboro, I have been asked by some of the young folks why I did not tell more about the Yankee army coming to Goldsboro in 1865, and what they did,…

Colonel Lewis D. Warner, "To Sneedsboro" (March 4, 1865)

I hope a better spirit will prevail. North Carolina has shown considerable Union sentiment during the war and I believe a proper course by our would cause the slumbering fire to burst into a flame, which could not be quenched.

Amnesty Petition of David Schenck, May 14, 1866

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To His Excellency, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States of America. David Schenck, a citizen residing in Lincolnton, Lincoln Country; State of North Carolina shows to your Excellency that his property is [liable?] to confiscation by…

Amnesty Petition of W. D. Jones, September 21, 1865

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Caldwell Co. NC

To Andrew Johnson President of the US

The Petition of the undersigned W. D. Jones respectfully showeth that he is a citizen of Caldwell County North Carolina forty six years old and a farmer by profession desires to apply for a…

Maine Monument, Salisbury National Cemetery

Built in 1909 the Maine Monument was created to honor the Maine soldiers who died in Salisbury prison during the Civil War. Paid for by the Maine state legislature.