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"Negro Rule," Raleigh News and Observer, July 4, 1900

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Political Cartoonist Norman Jennett drafted this particulary vicious image in June of 1900. An African-American vampire is shown terrorizing the white citizens (including several vulnerable white women) before him. The message on his wings…

"Excitement in the Adjoining Counties" from The Daily Herald [Wilmington newspaper], Oct. 10, 1860

Article originally published in the Norfolk Daybook newspaper and later reprinted in The Daily Herald, a Wilmington N.C. newspaper. The article reports events in Norfolk and Princess Anne County, Va., related to a suspected slave uprising purportedly…

Letter of Nathan H. Street, Peter G. Evan, John N. Washington to John W. Ellis, January 9, 1859


At a mass meeting of the citizens of Craven County, held at
the Court House in New Berne on Thursday, the 15th ulto, a
committee of five were appointed to "bring to the attention of
your Excellency the condition of the 'Depot of Public Arms*…

Scot Ngozi-Brown, “African-American Soldiers and Filipinos" (1997)

Journal of African American History

U.S. racial imperialism, at the turn of the century, targeted Filipinos and other peoples of color throughout the world whom white Americans considered barbaric and thus incapable of self-government. Within the borders of the United States,…

"The Disunion Movement; The North Carolina Forts," New York Times, January 29, 1861

On the 17th, Gov. ELLIS, of North Carolina, sent to the Legislature the correspondence between himself and Hon. J. HOLT, then Secretary of War ad interim, relative to the occupation of Forts Johnson and Caswell by State troops. On Jan. 12 Gov. ELLIS…

"Robin Hood Comes Again," New York Times, July 22, 1871

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It was the favorite amusement of the robber barons, who made life exciting for their neighbors in the Middle Ages, to establish themselves in some convenient stronghold, and thence harry the country around. No trader could carry his goods within…

"The Secession Excitement; North Carolina Legislature," New York Times, December 20, 1860

RALEIGH, N.C., Thursday, Dec. 20.

The bill to arm the State passed its third reading in the House yesterday. An effort to take it up to-day failed.

The Assembly takes a recess till the 7th of January.

The Commissioners from Alabama and…

Letter from Nellie Worth to Cousin Pattie, March 21, 1865

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There was no officer with the first men that came, and our drooping spirits were revived about one o’clock by the sight of a Yankie officer. He came in the house and introduced himself as Lt. Bracht, Mamma and I immediately appealed to him for…

"General Assembly Resolutions submitted and referred to committee", January 1861

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Jan. 7, 1861. Resolved that the Governor be requested to inform the Senate if any portion of the citizens of North Carolina have consulted with him upon the propriety of taking possession of the United States forts in North Carolina or any one of…

Cemetery Field Salisbury

The size of the National Cemetery at Salisbury is impressive. The space has recently been expanded to allow four hundred more graves for veterans. This image shows the many people who had been buried at Salisbury since the Spanish American War and…