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"Disunion for Existing Causes," North Carolina Standard, December 1, 1860


A Confederacy or Union composed of the fifteen slaveholding States would, after a while, encounter some of the same difficulties which now beset the existing Union. The States south of us would produce and export cotton, while the middle or…

"Editor Manley's Responsibilities" Richmond Planet, November 26, 1898

Nov. 26th Pg. 4.jpg


The confiscation of the property and exiling of EDITOR ALEXANDER MANLEY of the Wilmington, N. C., RECORD were without palliation or excuse.

That he published a lawful but indiscreet article in the editorial…

"Editorial Notes on the South," May 31, 1867


If an election of any kind were to be held in the South within the next month, there is no reasonable doubt that three-fourths of the negro vote would be cast with the Southern white vote. There is perfect accord between the large portion of the…

"Election of Lincoln and Hamlin!," Fayetteville Observer, November 8, 1860

This item is an editorial from the Unionist newspaper the FayettevilleObserverin which the paper reports on the 1860 national election results. The paper laments the election of Abraham Lincoln as President, but it stresses the fact that although…

"Emancipation Day," Raleigh News and Observer, January 4, 1900

Emancipation Day.jpg

EMANCIPATION DAY Our friends, the negro chasers, opened their political campaign in behalf of their Constitutional Amendment on Emancipation Day. The selection of the day was characteristically tactful. --- Asheville Gazette (Republican organ.) No…

"Enlistment of Negroes", August 21, 1862

Enlistment of Negroes.pdf

Enlistment of Negroes It is remarkable how much fuss resolute zealots can make over a very small matter. Two or three of our smaller States, to judge from the noise made in them, are quite convulsed on the subject of enlisting blacks as soldiers to…


Escaping Union Officers Succored by Slaves.jpg

The sketch on page 164 represents a party of the
Union officers who lately escaped from Libey prison,
under the guidance and protection of negroes living
in the environs of Richmond. They are conducted
by one of these poor slaves to his cabin…

"Excitement in the Adjoining Counties" from The Daily Herald [Wilmington newspaper], Oct. 10, 1860

Article originally published in the Norfolk Daybook newspaper and later reprinted in The Daily Herald, a Wilmington N.C. newspaper. The article reports events in Norfolk and Princess Anne County, Va., related to a suspected slave uprising purportedly…

"Execution of John Brown," Raleigh Register, December 3, 1859

The chances are ninty-nine in a hundred, that before this paper reaches our subscribers John Brown will have paid the penalty of his crimes on the gallows, and gone to render an account of his life to that Being who says "thou shalt do no…

"Executions for Desertion," September 3, 1862

This article describes the punishment of soldiers who had deserted from the Confederate Army, and states that it should be an example that prevents such acts in the future.