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Stefanie King
Scott King-Owen "Conditional Confederates: Absenteeism Among Western North Carolina Soldiers 1861-1865" (2011)
Several scholars have determined that western North Carolina men, like Sergeant Wyatt, deserted in larger numbers than their compatriots across the state did. Richard Reid’s 1981 study found a desertion rate of 16 percent for western North…
Tags: Civil War, desertion, North Carolina
Washington Caruthers Kerr and Henry Benjamin Charles Nitze, Map of North Carolina Showing the Distribution of Iron Ores, 1892
Tags: Economy
Kelsey Griffin, "The Memory of the Civil War is Hard to Shake," April 29, 2012
Although I have lived in the South most of my life, I did not realize that there were any current debates over what caused the Civil War. What I have come to learn is that there are misinterpretations about the Civil War era that still exist today. …
Tags: Civil War, Memory, Slavery/Slaves
"The Life and Age of Woman. Stages of Woman's Life From the Cradle to the Grave" Kelloggs and Comstock, 1849
Tags: Women
First in Flight: Desertion as Politics in the North Carolina Confederate Army
Tags: Confederacy, desertion
William Tecumseh Sherman, 1820-1891
William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891) was a major-general in the Union Army during the Civil War. Sherman gained success in the Western Theater and oversaw the Military Division of the Mississippi after Ulysses S. Grant was promoted to the head of…
Thomas Ruffin, 1787-1870
Thomas C. Ruffin (1787-1870) was the elected judge of the Supreme Court of North Carolina from 1829 through 1852 and once again from 1858 through 1859. From 1833 until 1853, Thomas Ruffin served the Court as Chief Justice. Ruffin attended Princeton…
Tags: Commemoration
"Creoles Like the Amendment," Raleigh News and Observer, May 13, 1900
CREOLES LIKE THE AMENDMENT. It Works to Perfect Satisfaction of the Educated and Uneducated Whites in the Sugar District. By Josephus Daniels Thibieodeaux, May 10. – “Under the Constitutional amendment, by reason of section five, every…
Tags: Suffrage
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D. H. Hill, 1859-1924

Daniel Harvey (D. H.) Hill (1859-1924), the son of Confederate general D. H. Hill, was an important figure in the commemoration of the Civil War and…