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"Days of Bondage: Autobiography of Friday Jones: Being a Brief Narrative of his Trails and Tribulations in Slavery," 1883

My first remembrance of my life begins when I was from 8 to 10 years of age. I was born in North Carolina in 1810, the property of Olser Hye, within 15 miles of the capital of the State-- Raleigh.They attempted to whip me in 1854 and backed me down…

"Report of Fredrick Olmsted," 1860


I stopped last night at the pleasantest house I have yet seen in the mountain; a framed house, painted white, with a log kitchen attached. The owner was a man of superior standing. I judged from the public documents and law books on his table, that…

Seth Frederiksen

Born in Los Angeles in 1986, Seth developed a passion for American history after watching Ken Burns' "The Civil War". Currently attending North Carolina State University, Seth hopes to finish his bachelor's in History and become a member in the…

Murder of Allen and William Lowry, March 3, 1865


On March 3rd 1865, bands of the Home Guard, under orders of Robert McKenzie, the leader of the Home Guard in the region, collected several members of the Lowry family to his plantation after several animals from his plantation were stolen. Suspecting…

Address Delivered before the Wake County Workingmen's Association, February 6, 1860

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RALEIGH, N. C., February 7, 1860. FRANK. I. WILSON, ESQ.: Dear Sir:--The undersigned, a portion of the members of the "Wake County Workingmen's Association," beg that you will permit us to publish the Address delivered by you before our Association…

Francis Preston Blair Jr., Special Orders No. 63, March 10, 1865

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SPECIAL ORDERS, HDQRS. SEVENTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Numbers 63. Near Rockfish Creek, N. C., March 10, 1865. I. Division commanders will cause a sufficient number of good cattle to be collected in the country to have fifteen days' supply of beef…

Letter of Francis Marion Poteet to Martha Hendley Poteet, November 22, 1863

F. M. Poteet to Martha Poteet] Kinston N. C. Nove 22the 1863 My Dear Wife and Children I seat my self this Blesed sabath morning to Rite you afew lines to let you now that I am only tolarabel well I hav got A very Bad Cold and A very Bad Cough My…

Letter of Francis Marion Poteet to Martha Hendley Poteet, November 3, 1863

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In this letter, Poteet is writing his wife to tell her how desperately home sick he is. He continues to say that he and several others are considering desertion, and that they would have done so the previous evening if they had not been stopped by a…

Diary of Frances Howard, January 21, 1865


Saturday, January 21st . . . . A lady was passing the general’s office when, noticing the United States flag stretched above the sidewalk, she stepped down into the sand to avoid passing under it. The guard called to her to walk under the…

“Two Years with a Colored Regiment: A Woman’s Experience," 1898

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Reminiscences of our civil war have been given to the public image again and again, and our most able men have recited the details of the great battles and stirring events. But there are few records of the experiences of women in that war. This…