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Diary of Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston, August 13, 1862


Yesterday to my great surprise as I was standing in the Store Room a finely dressed Military looking old gentleman, tho in citizen's clothes, with beard & moustache as white as snow, came walking across the back yard having driven in to the back gate…

Diary of Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston, January 4 1866


We went to bed last night congratulating ourselves that at length we had begun to taste some of the immunities of Free negroism. The negro contracts were all signed by them & witnessed & they seemed not only contented butthankfulfor them.…

Diary of Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston, February 18th, 1861


It gets almost painful to go to Father’s we differ so widely. He it is true says nothing personal or unhandsome, but he censures so sweepingly every thing that SC does. Mama & Susan do go on so about the “Flag. Who cares for the old striped rag…

" Man's Noblest Poem is Man's Bravest Deed"


Say not we have no Poetry! The nation’s daily life struggling ‘gainst adverse fate is in itself a grand unwritten Epic! See yon long line of fresh lipped boys forth with their Mothers’ prayers & blessings on their…

Diary of Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston, July 16, 1860


July 16, 1860 Finished making Blackberry wine. Made in all 28 ½ gal exclusive of one Demijohn which from being I suppose accidentally corked burst. I am told however that a Demijohn will burst even when uncorked if it is filled into the neck.…

Letters on Female Character, Addressed to a Young Lady, on the Death of Her Mother by Virginia Randolph Cary, 1828

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Letters on a Female Character by Virginia Randolph Cary, published in 1828, praised the ideals of the domestic sphere. Women, according to Cary, should depend on a male protection. Citing scripture Cary states women was “formed from man”…


Letter from Catherine Carson to Zebulon Baird Vance, July 8, 1864

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Buck Creek July 8th 1864
Governor Vance
Dear Sir,
I take the liberty of asking you whether you can not process my son’s discharge from the army that he may come home to protect me and his sister.
Since the late raid on Camp Vance there are…

The 25th North Carolina Troops in the Civil War


My dear Walter, they have a terrible state of things upon the Tennessee line particularly in Watauga County. There is a band of robbers and villains who are constantly plundering the people in the night, when resolute and prepared they succeed in…

Amnesty Petition of J. B. Carpenter, August 15, 1865

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North Carolina
Rutherford County

To His Excellency Andrew Johnson President of the Unite States of America

The petition of J. B. Carpenter a resident of the County and State aforesaid, aged twenty seven years, last June and by occupation a…

Captain William J. Twining's Map of Fort Anderson

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Map of Fort Andrson, N.C. Captured February 19, 1865 by the Army of the Ohio. Maj. Gen J. M. Schofield, Comd'g.