Browse Items (916 total)
"The North Carolina Troubles," August 20, 1870
Therehas been in certain quarters, noto-rious for sympathy with the late rebels and re-bellion, such a vehement denunciation of Gov-ernorHolden, of North Carolina, as a pecul-iarly malignant “satrap,” who was wagingfiendish war upon…
"The North Carolina Bandits," Harper's Weekly, March 30, 1872
THE NORTH CAROLINA BANDITS. We present on page 249 several sketches and portraits illustrating the career of the band of outlaws in Robeson County, North Carolina, whose crimes, escapes, and encounters have filled the measure of wonder and…
"The News," April 13, 1861
The News. The Wilmington papers of Tuesday, and the and Richmond papers of Wednesday last, contained the most startling reports in relation to the condition of affairs in Charleston harbor. It was stated that there were seven United States' war…
"The New Military Bill," April 16, 1862
"The Nebraska Question," February 1, 1854
In the Senate, on the 23d ult., Mr. DOUGLAS, from the Committee on Territories, reported a substitute for the bill which was brought forward by him a short time since for the organization of Nebraska territory. The leading features of the substitutes…
"The Nebraska Bill," February 22, 1854
When, on one or two former occasions, -- after advancing the suggestion that the introduction of the Nebraska bill was premature, and expressing our well-grounded opinion of the motives of Douglas, the demagogue, in bringing it forward, -- we…
"The Murders At Wilmington," Richmond Planet, November 19, 1898
The outrageous happening at Wilmington¸ N. C., almost surpasses comprehension. Never in the history of this country have we seen or heard of anything like it before.
A mob takes possession of the city, and without…
"The Life and Age of Woman. Stages of Woman's Life From the Cradle to the Grave" Kelloggs and Comstock, 1849
Tags: Women
"The Lesson of the Ku-Klux," May 27, 1871
The Lesson of the Ku-Klux
Those who persistently deny the truth of the Ku-Klux stories, or ridicule them as mere tales of rawhead and bloody-bones, should remember that, whatever the explanation may be, the testimony is conclusive. And the…
Tags: Ku Klux Klan, Newspapers
"The Legislature, April 7, 1871"
The General Assembly of the State adjourned on yesterday until the first Monday in November next. The merits of Legislative bodies are to be measured, as much by what they may have undone and omitted to do, as by what they many have done. Gauged by…
Tags: Democrats, Governor, Newspapers, postwar, Republican, W.W. Holden
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Voter Registration Card from Alamance County, 1902

This voter registration card was created after the Democrat-controlled North Carolina General Assembly passed a Suffrage Amendment in 1900. The…