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"List of Absent Without Leave From 6th N.C. Troops," November 5, 1862

This is a list provided by the Weekly Raleigh Register that lists a considerable number of troops who had been reported as absent from their ranks. Its printing probably was intended to shame the soldiers into rejoining their companies, or to…

"Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation," October 1, 1862

This article was published in October of 1862 by the Register, and focuses primarily how on the Emancipation Proclamation will work to further divide the North and drive the Border States to the side of the Confederacy.

"Life in North Carolina: The Murder of Senator John W. Stephens -- A Terrible Scene -- Shall His Assassins Be Amnestied?," New York Times, February 26, 1873

Raleigh, N. C., Feb. 25 — …Mr. Bowman, Republican… related from the sworn evidence of one of the parties present the particulars of the murder of Senator John W. Stephens, of Caswell, which occurred in June, 1870; and that warrants had been…

"Letter from 'An Alumnus,'" North Carolina Standard, September 27, 1856

An Alumnus.JPG

Messrs. Editors:--We have noticed with pleasure that Southern fathers are beginning to feel the necessity of educating their sons south of Mason and Dixon's line. The catalogues of Yale and other Northern armories of Sharpe's rifles, have but few…

"Let Us Reason Together," July 2, 1867

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Are those reasoning or reasonable men who expect, after a war of four years’ duration which entailed a debt of three thousand millions of dollars, which inflicted up on the union armies the loss of perhaps five hundred thousand lives and shook the…

"Lawlessness in North Carolina-Its Democratic Apologists," June 10, 1870

the new york times.pdf

The murders and outrages which have called forth the proclamation of the Governor of North Carolina, are made by the World a pretext for arraigning the policy of reconstruction. Its censure is directed, not against the cowardly ruffians who are the…

"Jim Young, the Negro Politician, at head of the Committee on Education at the Blind Institution for White Children at Raleigh" Raleigh News and Observer, August 1898

Race Riot Political Cartoon.JPG
The political cartoon depicts a black politician overseeing a group of blind white women. The cartoon was intended to encouraging white supremacy by showing the dangers of black politicians. The cartoon highlights the use of white female protection…

"It is needless to remind our readers...," Fayetteville Observer, April, 18, 1861

The Fayetteville Observer, a Unionist newspaper, ran an editorial outlining their past advocacy for the cause of the Union and regretted that the nation's had not been solved peacefully, as the paper thought was possible. The editors detailed how…


"Insurrection in North Carolina," North Carolina Star, September 15, 1831

The Edenton Gazette states, upon information received from an undoubted source, that there have been killed in Southampton county upwards of one hundred negroes, consequent upon the late insurrection in that county. Fourteen of the thoughtless,…



WHEN a country has been convulsed by a
domestic war which has torn up old social
systems by the roots there is no short and easy
path to universal tranquillity. The danger to
be apprehended is an attempt to reach arbitrari-
ly and impatiently…