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- Tags: Home Front
Letter of William J. Hardee to William T. Sherman, December 17, 1864
Headquarters Department South Carolina Georgia, and Florida, Savannah, Georgia, December 17, 1864. Major-General W.T. Sherman, commanding Federal Forces near Savannah, Georgia. General: I have to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from you…
Colonel Lewis D. Warner, "To Sneedsboro" (March 4, 1865)
I hope a better spirit will prevail. North Carolina has shown considerable Union sentiment during the war and I believe a proper course by our would cause the slumbering fire to burst into a flame, which could not be quenched.
Tags: Carolinas Campaign, Civil War, Home Front, North Carolina, occupation, Officers, South, union
Amnesty Petition of J.J. Ward, August 3, 1865
To the president of the United States,
The undersigned, a resident of the town of Franklinton, in the county of Franklin, state of North Carolina, a teacher by profession, aged 58 years, respectfully requests to His Excellency, Andrew Johnson,…
"FROM FAYETTEVILLE," Wadesboro North Carolina Argus, March 30, 1865
From the Raleigh Conservative. FROM FAYETTEVILLE We have at length definite and reliable information that the Yankees have evacuated Fayetteville. “There are none of them left on the west side of the Cape Fear,” says a recent letter we…
Letter of Wade Hampton to William Sherman, February 27, 1865
Maj.-Gen. W.T. Sherman, U.S. Army:
GENERAL: Your communication of the 24th inst. reached me to-day. In it you state that it has been officially reported that your foraging parties were "murdered"…
Theodore Upson, "The Girl I Left Behind Me" (March 24, 1865)
The people around here are very poor as a general thing but very kind and hospitable. There is none of the treachery we have found in other places. I was talking with an old man today; he has lost six sons in the Army. He says they did not want to go…
Tags: Carolinas Campaign, Civil War, Confederacy, Home Front, North Carolina, soldier, South, union
Letter from Sister to Sister, April 1865
Dear Sister,
I suppose I would write you a few lines. I thought you would be uneasy. Sister, the Yankees have been here. They say there was seven thousand, but I don’t know how many there was but it was the most men I ever saw and some say ten…
Tags: Family, Gender Relations, Home Front, slavery, Soldiers, Troop Movement
Report of the Joint Select Committee to Inquire into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States, Testimony of Giles Leitch, July 31, 1871
GILES LEITCH sworn and examined.
The Chairman, (Mr. Pool.) As this witness was called at the instance of the minority of this committee, Mr. Blair will please commence his examination.
By Mr. Blair:
Question. Where do you reside?
Answer: I…
Diary of Thomas Osborn, March 8, 1865
Laurel HillRichmond Co., N.C.March 8, 1865There is little of interest today, we have moved fifteen miles through a fine country, well cultivated, and affording plenty of forage. It has rained all day, the roads would have been good but for the rain;…
Diary of Thomas Osborn, February 17, 1865
Columbia, S.C.February 17, 1865 This day has been the most eventful one to us of the campaign, and one which the historian of South Carolina cannot forget. This morning Columbia was a beautiful little city, tonight it is a “Sea of…
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"Grand Democratic Rally," Raleigh News and Observer, May 13, 1898
On May 12, 1898, the Democratic Party of North Carolina held its first campaign rally in Laurinburg N.C. Following the procession of a band and…