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- Tags: Home Front
Letter from William Sherman to D.L. Swain, April 22, 1865
Hon. D. L. Swain, Chapel Hill, N. C.:
MY DEAR SIR: Yours of April nineteenth was laid before me yesterday, and I am pleased that you recognize in…
Tags: Home Front, North Carolina
Letter from Sister to Sister, April 1865
Dear Sister,
I suppose I would write you a few lines. I thought you would be uneasy. Sister, the Yankees have been here. They say there was seven thousand, but I don’t know how many there was but it was the most men I ever saw and some say ten…
Tags: Family, Gender Relations, Home Front, slavery, Soldiers, Troop Movement
Letter from Robert Lee to Zebulon Vance, February 24, 1865
HEADQUARTERS CONFEDERATE STATES ARMIESFeb. 24, 1865. HIS EXCELLENCY Z. B. VANCE GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA RALEIGH GOVERNOR: The state of despondency that now prevails among our people is producing a bad effect upon the troops. Desertions are…
Letter from R. M. Roark to Zebulon Baird Vance, September, 1863
Tags: Female Patriotism, Home Front, Protection, Womanhood, Women
Letter from Nellie Worth to Cousin Pattie, March 21, 1865
There was no officer with the first men that came, and our drooping spirits were revived about one o’clock by the sight of a Yankie officer. He came in the house and introduced himself as Lt. Bracht, Mamma and I immediately appealed to him for…
Letter from Murdoch to Zebulon Baird Vance, July 7, 1864
Ashville Sunday Night
July 7th 1864
Dear Zeb,
[stille] some of those ladies who I saw in Raleigh on their mission for cotton cards. I come before you now on a begging trip if is to ask you should they be any good gray cloth on and for officers…
Tags: desertion, Home Front, Protection, State Government
Letter from Mrs. Love to Zebulon Baird Vance, March 31, 1864
Claytonville Nor. Car.
March 31st 1864
Gov. Z. B. Vance
My dear sir,
I would have ventured to write sometime ago but continuing good health helps me at home (my mother in law) I have not been to the village (H) since Dec 24th ‘till last…
Tags: Family, Home Front, Starvation, State Government, Women
Letter from Mary A. Windsor to Zebulon Baird Vance, February 1, 1865
Reidsville NC Feb. the 1st 1865
Gov Vance Honored Sir,
Permit me the pleasure of communicating to you a few of my thoughts by way of letter and of asking a great favor of you that is concerning my dear and beloved husband who has been gone from…
Tags: Family, Home Front, Protection, State Government, Womanhood, Women
Letter from Martha Hendley Poteet to Francis Marion Poteet, February 4, 1864
N C Mcdowell Co 1864 thursday Feb the 4 My Dear husband I recieved your kind and loving letter last saturday and was glad to hear fom you and hear you was well but sory to hear sunday that you was not well we are not well they nearly all hav had sore…
Tags: Confederate Woman, Home Front, Homelife, North Carolina, wartime, Women
Letter from Martha Hendley Poteet to Francis Marion Poteet, August 30, 1864
Mcdowell Co teusday August 30th 1864 Dear husband I seat my self this evning to let you know we are onley tolerable well the children is complaining I expect they are taking Measels but I do hope this will reach your kind hands and find you will I…
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Voter Registration Card from Alamance County, 1902
This voter registration card was created after the Democrat-controlled North Carolina General Assembly passed a Suffrage Amendment in 1900. The…