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William Tecumseh Sherman, 1820-1891

William Sherman

William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891) was a major-general in the Union Army during the Civil War. Sherman gained success in the Western Theater and oversaw the Military Division of the Mississippi after Ulysses S. Grant was promoted to the head of…

William J. McNeill, "A Survey of Confederate Soldier Morale During Sherman's Campaign through Georgia and the Carolinas" (1971)

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The men who composed the small remnants of Rebel commands brought together in an effort to stop Sherman's Savannah and Carolinas campaign realized the futility of their assignment; they knew that without help from other quarters Confederate…

Weight of Testimony, June 8, 1864


Weight of Testimony According to the Progress, the mere denint - theipse dixit -- of Mr. Holden should have "as much weight with the masses of the people in North Carolina as that of Gov. Vance, Mr. Hampton, or others." So what Mr. Holden may say…

Theodore Upson, "The Girl I Left Behind Me" (March 24, 1865)

The people around here are very poor as a general thing but very kind and hospitable. There is none of the treachery we have found in other places. I was talking with an old man today; he has lost six sons in the Army. He says they did not want to go…

The Scare on the Road, The Swamp Outlaw by Alfred Townshed, 1872



An instance of the deep sense of apprehension created by these bandits in all southeastern Carolina is afforded by a dream which Colonel W. H. Barnard, editor of the Wilmington Star, related to me. The Colonel's paper is…

Report of the Joint Select Committee to Inquire into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States, Testimony of Giles Leitch, July 31, 1871


GILES LEITCH sworn and examined.

The Chairman, (Mr. Pool.) As this witness was called at the instance of the minority of this committee, Mr. Blair will please commence his examination.

By Mr. Blair:
Question. Where do you reside?

Answer: I…

Oliver Howard, Special Field Orders, No. 69 March 23, 1865

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Special Field Orders, No. 69 Heaquarders Departmen and Army of the Tennessee Falling Creek, N.C., March 23, 1865. I. The command will move tomorrow to Goldsboro. The Fifteenth Army Corps, Maj. Gen. John A. Logan commanding, will move upon any…

Memoirs of William T. Sherman, ca. 1865

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….It seemed to me then that the terrible energy they had displayed in the earlier stages of the war was beginning to yield to the slower but more certain industry and discipline of our Northern men. It was to me manifest that soldiers and…

Memoirs of George W. Pepper, ca. 1865

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But there is another class of devastations widely different from these, which have been perpetrated to an extent of which the North has little conception. These may be classified, as first, “deliberate and systematic robbery for the sake of…
