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- Tags: Memory
"Negro Troops in the Civil War", 1887
At a moment when the bitterness of race prejudice is
shown in the recent school controversies in Kansas, Indi-
ana, and Ohio, reminding us of the old Free States that we
cannot consistently reproach our brethren of the old Slave
States with…
Tags: Memory, Race relations, Soldiers, Veterans
D. H. Hill, "Governor John W. Ellis and Secession," 1907
CHAPTER XXXVI. GOVERNOR JOHN W. ELLIS AND SECESSION. 427. The John Brown raid.--Two events took place in 1859 which threw North Carolina into a state of wild excitement. The first was John Brown's seizure of the United States arsenal at Harper's…
Jean Fagan Yellin, Harriet Jacobs: A Life (2004)
She did not know. Papa's pride, Mama's darling, Grandmother's joy -she did not know she was a slave. Not until she was six, and Mama died. And really not even then. But later, when she was willed to Little Miss, she had to find out. Hatty was a…
Tags: Memory, Slave Resistance, Slavery/Slaves
Kelsey Griffin, "The Memory of the Civil War is Hard to Shake," April 29, 2012
Although I have lived in the South most of my life, I did not realize that there were any current debates over what caused the Civil War. What I have come to learn is that there are misinterpretations about the Civil War era that still exist today. …
Tags: Civil War, Memory, Slavery/Slaves
Michael Moore, Exhibit panel in "From Real to Reel: The Making of Gone with the Wind," 2013
Racial Response In the early years of cinema, films were not only forms of entertainment, but they also served as a lens for how people perceived each other. In the 1930s African Americans were fighting for racial progress, and groups like the…
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Michael Moore, Costumes in "From Real to Reel: The Making of Gone with the Wind," 2013
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Michael Moore, Exhibit panel in "North Carolina and the Civil War," 2013
1863: A Year of Carnage "Our N.C. troops behaved most nobly....My Brigade behaved magnificently and got cup up terribly." --Brigadier General William Dorsey Pender, May 7, 1863 The intensity of the battles that North Carolina soldiers fought in…
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Michael Moore, Exhibit case in "North Carolina and the Civil War," 2013
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Michael Moore, Exhibit panel in "North Carolina in Crisis," 2013
North Carolina's Federal Soldiers Although North Carolina was a Confederate state, as many as 10,000 Tar Heels served in the state's four white Union regiments, and more than 5,000 blacks joined four African American Federal regiments. White…
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
Michael Moore, Exhibit case in "North Carolina in Crisis," 2013
Tags: Commemoration, Memory
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Daniel Lindsay Russell, Jr., 1845-1908

Daniel Russell, a former Confederate soldier, became disillusioned by Southern leadership during the Civil War and joined the Republican Party in…