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  • Collection: Wartime North Carolina

A letter written from Catherine Ramsey to John Futch.


Dear sun,

I sete my self down to write you afew lines wich will inform you that we air all well. Hopin that these few line may rech and find you injoyen the same good blessings. Dear sun I have no news to rite to you of imporince more than I want…

Discharged North Carolina Black Soldier to the Freedmen's Bureau Claim Agent at Baltimore, Maryland, December 1870

East Newmarket Dorchester Co Md {December 1870}

Dear Sir

I Receved yore kind letter Concerning my Discharge in 1861 the manspation had not taken place but I was in the protection By the youion Troops an Sat free by Presadence Lincon at…

"The Land Attack on Wilmington - Defence and Fall of Fort Fisher," Charleston Mercury, January 18, 1865

Charleston Mercury.jpg

THE LAND ATTACK ON WILMINGTON - DEFENCE AND FALL OF FORT FISHER Our community was much depressed yesterday by the news, which reaches here in the forenoon that Fort Fisher, the gate of the Cape Fear River, had succumbed to another tremendous…

Charlotte Grimes, "Sketches of My Life," 1918

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The night before the Yankees came, a friend, who belonged to Wheeler's Cavalry called and my mother gave him supper. While he was there, the servants came in and said the soldiers were tearing down the garden fence and putting their horses in, so he…

Diary of Elizabeth Collier, April 20, 1865

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April 20, 1865

We have lived in such a state of excitement for the past month that I have not had the time to write any thing which occurred but to begin at this late day—After the evacuation of Goldsboro—we were in constant expectation of the…

Letter from Col. W. Lamb to Gov. Zebulon Vance, August 21, 1863

Fort Fisher, August 21, 1863.


DEAR SIR: The steamer Gibraltar, which arrived here this week, brought the two largest guns that I know of in the world. They weigh, independent of everything,…

Map of Windsor During the Civil War

A map of Windsor, drawn around the time of the Civil War

Railway Ticket, 1860s

Grimes Railway Ticket.jpg
Bryan Grimes was the last Confederate officer in the Army of Northern Virginia to be appointed to the rank of Major General by Robert E. Lee. A native of North Carolina, Grimes fought on several Confederate campaigns including the Peninsula,…

The Voyage of the Bat


For the second time I was made a prisoner of war and under the following circumstances, which I have mentioned but once before. Before I became engaged in the Blockade Running service, I was acting as mate on the Confederate steamer Flora MacDonald,…

Scalping of Union Soldiers


This engraving reproduced in "The Adventures of Daniel Ellis the Union Guide" in 1867 was designed by Ellis to show his contempt of Thomas' Indians. William W. Stringfield and James W. Terrell differed on the frequency of scalping incidents by the…