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Memoirs of William T. Sherman, ca. 1865

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….It seemed to me then that the terrible energy they had displayed in the earlier stages of the war was beginning to yield to the slower but more certain industry and discipline of our Northern men. It was to me manifest that soldiers and…

William T. Sherman, Special Field Orders No. 120, November 9, 1864


Headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi,
In the Field, Kingston, Georgia, November 9, 1864

... IV. The army will forage liberally on the country during the march. To this end, each brigade commander will organize a good and…

Letter of William T. Sherman to Henry Halleck, December 24, 1864


Headquarters military Division of the Mississippi, In the Field, Savannah, Ga., December 24, 1864 Maj. Gen. H.W. Halleck, Chief of Staff, Washington City, D.C.: General: I had the pleasure to receive your two letters of the 16th and 18th…

Telegram of William T. Sherman to Ulysses S. Grant, October 9, 1864

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Allatoona 7:30 p.m. Oct. 9th 1864 Lt. Gen. Grant City Point It will be a physical impossibility to protect this road now that Hood, Forrest, Wheeler and the whole batch of Devils are turned loose without home or habitation. I think Hoods…

Letter from William T. Sherman to General Henry Halleck, September 4, 1864

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H'd Qrts. Mil. D. of the Miss.
In the Field near Lovejoys Ga.
Sept. 4th 64.

General Halleck

The 20th Corps now occupies Atlanta & the Chattahoochee bridges. The main Army is now here, grouped below Jonesboro. The…

Letter of William T. Sherman to James M. Calhoun, E.E. Rawson, and S.C. Wells, September 12, 1864


Headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, in the Field, Atlanta, Georgia, September 12, 1864. James M. Calhoun, Mayor, E.E. Rawson, S.C. Wells, representing City Council of Atlanta. Gentlemen, I have your letter of the 11th, in the nature…

North Carolina Through Four Centuries, 1989

The trial got under way on 2 February 1871 and lasted until 22 March, a period of seven weeks. A separate vote was taken on each of the eight charges, and Holden was found guilty on six. Although Holden was the second American governor to be…


Amnesty Petition of William P. Roberts, August 26, 1865 Roberts.jpg
William P. Roberts was excluded from Presidential amnesty under the third exception, due to his service as Brigadier General in the Confederate Army. Roberts insisted that he was not part of the political discourse which led to secession, and sought…

Will Harris

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The Declaracion of the Lords Spiritual & Temporal and Commons
Assembled at Westm[inster]
Whereas the late King James the second by the assistance of diverse evill Councellors Judges and Ministers imployed by him did endeavour to subvert and…

Amnesty Petition of William McRae, July 28, 1865 McRae.jpg
William McRae was excluded from Presidential amnesty under the third provision due to his rank of Brigadier General in the Confederate Army. McRae insisted that he was loyal to the Union, and took no part in the political discussions leading to…