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- Tags: Freedpeople
Recollections of My Slavery Days, ca. 1863
I I have lived through the greatest epoch in history, having been born August 10, 1835, at Newbern, North Carolina. That was not so many years, you see, after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence and the winning of the Revolutionary War.…
Tags: Enlistment, Freedpeople, Slavery/Slaves, Soldiers
"The Wilmington Race Riot of 1898." Colonel Thomas W. Clawson August 24, 1898
Tags: Free Blacks, Freedpeople, Race relations, Racism
Testimony of Edwin A. Hull, June 26, 1871.
EDWIN A. HULL—sworn and examined by the CHAIRMAN: Question: Are you the foreman employed by Mr. Howle, on the railroad in North Carolina, in April last? Answer: Yes, sir. Question: State what knowledge you have of a visit by men in disguise;…
"Slaves and Free Persons of Color. An Act Concerning Slaves and Free Persons of Color," North Carolina Revised Code No. 105, 1855
Any inhabitant of this State desirous to emancipate any slave or slaves, shall file a petition, in writing in some one of the Superior Courts of this State, setting forth, as near as may be, the name, sex, and age of each slave intended to be…
"The Freedmen's Schools," Harper's Weekly, October 3, 1868
THE FREEDMEN'S SCHOOLS. When the North gave freedom to the slaves of the South it saw the necessity of giving them also the education which was necessary to their proper appreciation and employment of their liberty. The people of the North saw, too,…
Tags: Education, Freedpeople
James' Plantation Freedmen's School, ca. October 1868
Tags: Education, Freedpeople
"Trent River Settlement," June 9, 1866
GENERAL STEEDMAN’S TOUR. Our artist, Mr. Davis, gives the following description of illustrations on page 361: “The Inspection Tour of Generals Steedman and Fullerton has certainly had one good result, the removal from authority of a…
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D. H. Hill, 1859-1924

Daniel Harvey (D. H.) Hill (1859-1924), the son of Confederate general D. H. Hill, was an important figure in the commemoration of the Civil War and…