Browse Items (916 total)
Henry Berry Lowery, The Swamp Outlaw by Alfred Townshed, 1872
Henry Berry Lowery, the leader of the most formidable band of outlaws, considering the smallness of its numbers, that has been known in this country, is of mixed Tuscarera, mulatto and white blood, twenty-six years of age, five feet nine inches high…
Norman Ethre Jennett, 1877-1970
Norman Jennett (1877-1970) was a political cartoonist who worked for the Raleigh News and Observer during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His cartoons reflected and supported the white supremacist agenda of the Democratic Party,…
Tags: Race relations, State Government, Suffrage
The Scare on the Road, The Swamp Outlaw by Alfred Townshed, 1872
An instance of the deep sense of apprehension created by these bandits in all southeastern Carolina is afforded by a dream which Colonel W. H. Barnard, editor of the Wilmington Star, related to me. The Colonel's paper is…
"The Border States Must Unite and Act!," North Carolina Standard, April 20, 1861
The proclamation of Abraham Lincoln, which we publish to-day, has completed the sectionalization of the country. The two extremes are now arrayed against each other with warlike purposes, and the only hope for peace is in the border States. They may…
Tags: Border State, Confederacy, union
"Civil War Will Be Abolition," North Carolina Standard, February 5, 1861
If the difficulties between the North and South should not be settled during the next six months, war will be the result. There will be three or four Confederacies. It will be impossible for the Northwestern and Gulf States to avoid war,—the…
Tags: Abolition, Civil War, Confederacy, Slavery/Slaves, South, union
Report of the Joint Select Committee to Inquire into the Condition of Affairs in the Late Insurrectionary States, Testimony of Giles Leitch, July 31, 1871
GILES LEITCH sworn and examined.
The Chairman, (Mr. Pool.) As this witness was called at the instance of the minority of this committee, Mr. Blair will please commence his examination.
By Mr. Blair:
Question. Where do you reside?
Answer: I…
"Disunion for Existing Causes," North Carolina Standard, December 1, 1860
A Confederacy or Union composed of the fifteen slaveholding States would, after a while, encounter some of the same difficulties which now beset the existing Union. The States south of us would produce and export cotton, while the middle or…
Tags: Confederacy, Constitution, Secession, union
"The Convention," The Wilmington Journal, June 28, 1860.
Tags: Convention, Democrat
Diary of George Nichols, March 12, 1865
If it be asked what a bummer is, the reply is easy. He is a raider on his own account-a man who temporarily deserts his place in the ranks while the army is on the march, and starts upon an independent foraging expedition. Sometimes he is absent for…
Tags: Camp Life
Francis Preston Blair Jr., Special Orders No. 63, March 10, 1865
SPECIAL ORDERS, HDQRS. SEVENTEENTH ARMY CORPS, Numbers 63. Near Rockfish Creek, N. C., March 10, 1865. I. Division commanders will cause a sufficient number of good cattle to be collected in the country to have fifteen days' supply of beef…
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North Carolinian voters chose John C. Breckinridge in presidential election, November 6, 1860

On November 6, 1860, in the presidential election, North Carolinian voters chose John C. Breckinridge (pictured), the southern Democratic nominee,…