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Judith Lee Hallock, "The Role of the Community in Civil War Desertion" (1983)

Judith Lee Hallock
Communities, like individuals, have personalities, and their response to
crises reflect their peculiar characteristics. During the Civil War,
Northern communities played an…


Louis Brown, The Salisbury Prison (1992)

Louis Brown's The Salisbury Prison: A Case Study of Confederate Military Prisons, 1861-1865 provides an all inclusive look into the Confederate Prison located in Salisbury, North Carolina. The book goes into detail about how the prisoners were…


Shearer Davis Bowman, At The Precipice (2010)

In his book, At The Precipice: Americans North and South During the Secession Crisis, Shearer Davis Bowman seeks to answer the questionon why did the southern states decide to secede from the Union in 1861 and in response why did the northern states…


Letter of John Garibaldi to His Wife, September 3, 1863

Camp Stonewall Brigade September 3, 1863 Dear Wife I received your letter of the 8 of August last from which I understood with great pleasure that you and the rest of the family were all well, but sorrow to hear that you had been sick. This…

Alan W. Trelease, White Terror: The Ku Klux Klan Conspiracy and Southern Reconstruction (1971)


Holden, despairing of a fair trial in the civil courts, had resolved to try them by military commission. He therefore wrote Pearson a lengthy public letter on July 26, justifying his proclamations of insurrection and politely declining to surrender…

John Spencer Bassett, Antislavery Leaders of North Carolina (1898)


All the conditions of small farms, simple habits and democratic ideals which have been ascribed to this general region were emphatically attributable to that part of it which lay in North Carolina. The western part of this State, until the…

Brucella Wiggins Jordan, "Ida B. Wells, Catherine Impey, and Trans-Atlantic Dimensions of the Nineteenth Century Anti-Lynching Movement" (2008)

In this piece of historical writing Jordan examines Tourgee as part of a larger group of individuals who were part of an anti-lynching movement during the 1800s. She first explains that he had a strong voice as a lawyer and judge which gave his…

Stephen R. Wise, Lifeline of the Confederacy (1988)


For both vessels and supplies, the South looked to Great Britian and, once the British realized the immense profits that could be made by running cargoes through the blockade, a large and enthusiastic trade soon opened up between Bermuda, Nassau,…

"Robin Hood Comes Again," New York Times, July 22, 1871

Robin Hood Comes Again.JPG

It was the favorite amusement of the robber barons, who made life exciting for their neighbors in the Middle Ages, to establish themselves in some convenient stronghold, and thence harry the country around. No trader could carry his goods within…

William C. Harris, ''The Southern Unionist Critique of the Civil War'' (1985)


Missing from these historiographical studies are the views of Southern Unionists. Although containing elements of both contemporary Northern and Confederate interpretations, the Unionist critique of the war is unique, providing insights into the…