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  • Tags: North Carolina

"FAMINE AT FAYETTEVILLE," Hillsborough Recorder, March 22, 1865

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For the Hillsborough Recorder. FAMINE AT FAYETTEVILLE. We give an extract from a letter written by a well-known gentleman in Fayetteville to his father in Chapel Hill, of the date of the 14th instant: “We are in great distress. The Yankees…

J.M. Hollowell, "Coming of the Yankees" (1939)

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Since I stopped writing of my early recollections of Goldsboro, I have been asked by some of the young folks why I did not tell more about the Yankee army coming to Goldsboro in 1865, and what they did,…

John H. Hopkins, "On the Constitutional Rights and Duties of the American Citizen in Reference to Slavery," May 11, 1857

The article published in the Fayetteville Observer, was an excerpt written by Bishop Hopkins from his book titled “The American Citizen: His Rights and Duties, According to the Spirit of the Constitution of the United States.” A bishop in…

Jacob Cox, Circular, April 12, 1865

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Circular.] HEADQUARTERS TWENTY-THIRD ARMY CORPS, Turner’s Bridge, April 12, 1865. Since we left Goldsboro there has been a constant succession of house burning in rear of this command. This has never beforebeen the case since the corps was…

Letter from Janie Smith to Janie Robeson, April 12, 1865

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Where Home used to be,
Apr. 12th 1865

Your precious letter, My dear Janie, was received night before last, and the pleasure it afforded me, and indeed the whole family, I leave for you to imagine, for it baffles words to express my thankfulness…

Map of the Carolinas Campaign

This map is of the campaign trails for General Sherman's Carolinas Campaign in 1865. The illustration outlines the routes of both Confederate and Union armies. The image depicts the meeting point for all Union forces in Goldsboro.

Amnesty Petition of W. D. Jones, September 21, 1865

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Caldwell Co. NC

To Andrew Johnson President of the US

The Petition of the undersigned W. D. Jones respectfully showeth that he is a citizen of Caldwell County North Carolina forty six years old and a farmer by profession desires to apply for a…

Scott King-Owen "Conditional Confederates: Absenteeism Among Western North Carolina Soldiers 1861-1865" (2011)

Civil War History

Several scholars have determined that western North Carolina men, like Sergeant Wyatt, deserted in larger numbers than their compatriots across the state did. Richard Reid’s 1981 study found a desertion rate of 16 percent for western North…

Diary of A Tar Heel Confederate Soldier, 1861-1865

October 14 - My corps of sharpshooters marched in front of the line. Left camp at 4 this morning, and at daylight, as General Ewell and staff rode up to us, there was a volley shot at us. We immediately deployed and after the enemy. We fought on a…