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"The Capture of Fort Fisher.; The Lesson of the Guns," The New York Times, February 19, 1865


From the London Times, Feb. 1. To the student of the art of war we commend the story of Fort Fisher for its scientific value, and to the general reader for the exceeding interest of the narrative. The fall of this place after a long and terrible…

"The Conscription," July 23, 1862

This article highlighted the fact that the burden of conscription laws fell most heavily on the poor, who were also the ones that needed to stay home to work the most. It ends by calling on the wealthy to help provide for the families left behind by…

"The Convention," The Wilmington Journal, June 28, 1860.

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The editor of the Wilmington Journaldiscusses the issues presented during the Democratic National Convention of 1860. The author begins by disussing the voting strength and turn out for supporters of the Douglass platform. The important focus of the…

"The Disunion Faction," Salisbury Carolina Watchman, April 9, 1861.

The SalisburyCarolina Watchmanpublished this article which was highly critical of the Secessionist movement. In the piece, the paper chastised Governor Ellis and others for their actions. It described how the Secession faction wanted a Convention,…


"The Disunion Movement; The North Carolina Forts," New York Times, January 29, 1861

On the 17th, Gov. ELLIS, of North Carolina, sent to the Legislature the correspondence between himself and Hon. J. HOLT, then Secretary of War ad interim, relative to the occupation of Forts Johnson and Caswell by State troops. On Jan. 12 Gov. ELLIS…

"The Disunion Programme," Raleigh Weekly Standard, February 27, 1861

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In this article published by the Unionist Raleigh newspaper theWeekly Standard,the paper urges its readers to head to the polls to vote against the Secession Convention on February 28, 1861. The paper states clearly their position that they were for…

"The Excuses At Washington," Richmond Planet, November 19, 1898

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The lawless elements of the south seems to be in “full swing” at Washington. The advisers of the President have decided that in South Carolina, where many America citizens, both white and colored were killed during a…

"The Experience of Thomas H. Jones, Who Was a Slave for Forty-Three Years -- Chapter Second," ca. 1849


I enter now upon a new development of wrongs and woes which I, as a slave, was called to undergo. I must go back some two or three years from the time when my master died, and I was sold to Owen Holmes.The bitterness of persecution which master Jones…

"The Fayetteville Observer Reporting of John Brown's Raid of Harper's Ferry. October 20, 1859."

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Startling news from Virginia.-Yesterday’s mail brought us accounts of an outbreak at Harper’s Ferry, Va., accompanied with stories of an abolition and negro insurrection, loss of lives. It is manifest that the accounts so far are mainly guess…