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"He Doesn't Like to Let Go," Raleigh News and Observer, May 26, 1900

He Doesn\'t Like to Let Go.jpg
During the campaigns of 1898 and 1900, political cartoonist Norman Jennett created a number of viciously racist depictions of African Americans for inclusion in the Raleigh News and Observer, a newspaper which was sympathetic to the Democratic Party…

"Highly Important Decision," Raleigh Standard, March 11, 1857

The Supreme Court of the United States, on Friday last, delivered through Chief Justice Taney its decision in the Dred Scott case, containing the following opinions: 1st. Negroes have no rights as citizens under the Constitution. 2d. The ordinance of…

"Holden's Record!," 1861

Holden's Record


Mr. Holden before he was a candidate, and Mr. Holden now.

The following extracts from the Raleigh Standard will show the position Mr. Holden has occupied for the last ten years, and the change which has come over him, now that…

"Horrible Butcheries At Wilmington." Richmond Planet, November 19, 1898

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HORRIBLE BUTCHERIES AT WILMINGTON. TURKS OUT DONE. Innocent and Unarmed Colored Men Shot Down. Hundreds Run to the Woods The Mob Captures the Town.—White Ministers Aiders and Abettors of Murder. THE GOVERNOR POWERLESS AND THE PRESIDENT OF…

"If the Union has prevailed..." Raleigh Weekly Standard, March 6, 1861

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In its March 6, 1861 edition the RaleighWeekly Standard,a Unionist Newspaper, reported on the Convention vote and its meaning in this article. The paper makes its views known that the Secessionist faction is a vocal minority in North Carolina, and…



WHEN a country has been convulsed by a
domestic war which has torn up old social
systems by the roots there is no short and easy
path to universal tranquillity. The danger to
be apprehended is an attempt to reach arbitrari-
ly and impatiently…

"Insurrection in North Carolina," North Carolina Star, September 15, 1831

The Edenton Gazette states, upon information received from an undoubted source, that there have been killed in Southampton county upwards of one hundred negroes, consequent upon the late insurrection in that county. Fourteen of the thoughtless,…

"It is needless to remind our readers...," Fayetteville Observer, April, 18, 1861

The Fayetteville Observer, a Unionist newspaper, ran an editorial outlining their past advocacy for the cause of the Union and regretted that the nation's had not been solved peacefully, as the paper thought was possible. The editors detailed how…


"Jim Young, the Negro Politician, at head of the Committee on Education at the Blind Institution for White Children at Raleigh" Raleigh News and Observer, August 1898

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The political cartoon depicts a black politician overseeing a group of blind white women. The cartoon was intended to encouraging white supremacy by showing the dangers of black politicians. The cartoon highlights the use of white female protection…