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Letter from Daniel Wilson to S S Jocelyn, November 26, 1858

Sawyersville Nov the 26th 1858

To Revrnd. S S Jocelyn Sec of the AMA

Dear Brother
After a long delay I again address you to Inform you that whatever may have been the Impressions made on your mind by others; as to the Writer that I still feel…

Letter from Mary A. Windsor to Zebulon Baird Vance, February 1, 1865

Vance Papers 15.6 009.JPG

Reidsville NC Feb. the 1st 1865
Gov Vance Honored Sir,
Permit me the pleasure of communicating to you a few of my thoughts by way of letter and of asking a great favor of you that is concerning my dear and beloved husband who has been gone from…

Summary Report, Claim of William Britton, June 11 1872


The claimant was 18 years of age when the war ended. He does not prove his loyalty although old enough for a soldier- testifies for himself, but does not ever say his sympathies- were with the union cause- He claims under his grandfather's will, who…

John H. Hopkins, "On the Constitutional Rights and Duties of the American Citizen in Reference to Slavery," May 11, 1857

The article published in the Fayetteville Observer, was an excerpt written by Bishop Hopkins from his book titled “The American Citizen: His Rights and Duties, According to the Spirit of the Constitution of the United States.” A bishop in…

Diary of Elizabeth Collier, April 20, 1865

collier diary p16.jpg

April 20, 1865

We have lived in such a state of excitement for the past month that I have not had the time to write any thing which occurred but to begin at this late day—After the evacuation of Goldsboro—we were in constant expectation of the…

Testimony of Edwin A. Hull, June 26, 1871.

EDWIN A. HULL—sworn and examined by the CHAIRMAN: Question: Are you the foreman employed by Mr. Howle, on the railroad in North Carolina, in April last? Answer: Yes, sir. Question: State what knowledge you have of a visit by men in disguise;…

North Carolina Museum of History Press Release, "Part Two of Civil War Exhibit Series Opens at NC Museum of History," November 11, 2012

Part Two of Civil War Exhibit Series Opens at NC Museum of History

In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War in North Carolina, the N.C. Museum of History in Raleigh is presenting a three-part exhibit series titled North Carolina…

"The Fayetteville Observer Reporting of John Brown's Raid of Harper's Ferry. October 20, 1859."

transcribed source.docx

Startling news from Virginia.-Yesterday’s mail brought us accounts of an outbreak at Harper’s Ferry, Va., accompanied with stories of an abolition and negro insurrection, loss of lives. It is manifest that the accounts so far are mainly guess…

"The Wilmington Race Riot of 1898." Colonel Thomas W. Clawson August 24, 1898

This document was written to justify the events in Wilmington NC. Colonel Clawson repeats a newspaper article written on August 18, 1898 by Alfred Manly, editor of the Daily Record. The article is in response to Mrs. Fellow’s speech at the…

Letter from Major Smith Stansbury to Colonel Josiah Gorgas, September 2, 1863

St. George’s Ba.
September 1st, 1863–
Colonel J. Gorgas
Col: Your telegram of 21st Ulto. To Fort Fisher was received; in hand, just in time for the “Eugenie.”
A copy was enclosed to Capt. Fry, and handed to me–